Environment in 夏綠地
Ok, there are plenty of food and beverages in the menu. And I can't wait to try all of them. I spent more than 15 minutes to order yummy lunch to fulfill my stomach. Goo...loo.....goo...loo... Oh no, stomach alarm sounded. "ello, can you served me main course before my appertizer?"
I believed this restaurant give a good deal ... Most of the main course is come in set - inclusive soup of the day (with 2 bread), hot/cold drinks, a piece of cake and sky juice (with lime touch).
The beauty of glasses - with sky juice & lime
Soup of the day (Pumpkin soup) with soft Bread
Chicken rice with gravy - 普羅旺斯嫩雞飯
Penne with spicy shrimp (辣味鮮蝦麵)
Spaghetti served with Clam & Wine (白酒蛤蜊麵)
I ordered this dish, Mushroom Cheese Rice ... It's delicious!!
A slice of Blueberry sponge cake
A cup of Americano Coffee has completed my lunch ...
Finally, the most famous question voiced out .... "How much?"
Here you go, check it out. It's TWD 1480 for 5 set lunch and 1 extra soup.
You tell me ... is it price considered cheap? (Around RM 18 per person)
Who's care?? As long as it is delicious, there will be people appreciate chef's masterpiece.